RESULTS FROM CJ/MAPS SURVEY OF AUDIENCES: While we collected surveys to find out mainly how our audiences heard about us and if they would like to be included on our mailing list, or what kind of shows they like (ie cabaret, family oriented, performance art...), we did ask some fun questions which I would like to share with you: the questions - When did you last dance? and Do You Know any Dancing Gods or Goddesses...and if so who? Here is a very informal compilation of answers to our FUN questions from the people brave enough to fill them out- When was the last time you danced? * two days ago, at school 3 weeks ago, last month, Monday, this morning with puppet or without, today, too long ago, last year, today, last week, 2 weeks ago with my daughters, at my in-laws wedding with my husband, every Friday and Saturday night at Show Palace (hmm), I am afraid awhile ago, today, Wednesday, July 2004, this morning, all the time, at a very expensive wedding early this morning with a model, two years ago, never, today, August at a wedding..., 1961, not recently, last Sept.9th 2004, Summer of 04 at a wedding I guess much more than I realize, yesterday in my kitchen, uh you mean at a party?, on sunday in the mountains, in college, long time ago, last night, Saturday night fever, yeah Do you know any dancing gods and goddesses and if so who? *Christine, too many to list*, Azure Barton*, Monica Bill Barnes*, yes lots plus one more, who? Christine Jowers, *no*, we all are*, Michelle Cohen, Catherine Gallant and members of Dances by Isadora*, We all are, Janis Brenner, Eddie Taketa, John-Mario Sevilla, Leland Malkus, Graham, Alvin Ailey, Katherine Dunham, Frank Hatchett, Karol Armitage, Garth Fagan, Merce Cunningham, Paul Taylor, me and my mother, goddess of the wardrobe, rain god, giggle goddess, Michelle, Frank Hatchett and Martha Graham, no, Jennifer Lopez and John Travolta, Beyonce, Troy Powell, Milton Myers, Sean Curran, Ohad Naharin, I think I know them all now do they know me? Sal Pernice and his Salettes, just Christine and possibly my sons, Martha Graham, my husband, Zulma, goddess in training, my daughter and son, Jeanette, Djoniba, Bill T Jones, Pat Hall, Thea Frey, Lynn Simonson, sorry Christine- non with major money, Christine Jowers, Thea Frey Arianne Anthony, I don't know, Kyra Nichols, my dog, so many mostly 5 year olds and my sister,,. too many to list CHRISTINE'S COMMENTS RE THE SURVEY: It was interesting that some people couldn't remember when they last danced and that some could remember the exact date and event at which they danced. Others, fewer, dance all the time. Is dance only for a party... or for the stage? Is everyday movement dance, or is dance something for a special social occasion or is it specialized to be done in only certain settings? Is it for professionals or only for children or for everybody or ALL OF THESE THINGS? I loved that many people saw children as dancing gods and goddesses, while others knew about famous/and not so famous dancers, Sal Pernice is a well known teacher in NYC and apparently has a great class at the 92nd street Y, where he inspires lots of people - I think that is fantastic. Teachers are underrated, not just in dance. If I answered the survey, I would have mentioned of course my 2 sons, my parents, all of my teachers of dance ever including everyone that works with me on moving arts projects, Isadora Duncan for her big vision and persistence, my friends and teachers who are women dance soloists because they are brave and beautiful, Kay Atcheson, who started the Ballet Theater of the Virgin Islands and inspired so many talented dancers from my home island/St.Thomas USVI to be dance enthusiasts and high caliber artists, and of course, Dick Van Dyke and the late Donald O’Connor - I just love those guys. Well that's all for now... If you have comments re dancing gods and goddesses, or would like to share what you think dance is, or your favorite dance memory. Email us at: Would love to hear from you!