REVEALING ISADORA…offers a fresh look at the legend and legacy of Isadora Duncan through the eyes of contemporary artists. The question is, “ Who was Isadora Duncan?” The answers are many, depending on who is asked.

The show features dynamic solo performances by Christine Jowers in works that include oddly graceful dream landscapes, odes to nature, explorations of feminine power and despair, verbal quandaries, and expressive improvisation.

The distinctive choreography by Ann Carlson, Margie Gillis, Kun Yang Lin, Catlin Cobb, and BJ Sullivan is skillfully intertwined with videotaped musings and dancing of renowned Isadora interpreters: Risa Steinberg, Catherine Gallant, Cherlyn Smith, and Karen Dantzler, who share their insights about the relationship of Isadora Duncan to their lives and dances future.

REVEALING ISADORA…premiered in New York City in September 2001

Excerpts of REVEALING ISADORA were presented as part of Awakening Dancing Goddesses Real and Imagined, cj/MAP's November 2004 season at the Cunningham Theater in New York City.

  “Thank you so much for a wonderful and beautiful performance. It was such a pleasure to watch you and the others in an abundance of dance spirit.”
- Marlene Schjoenning
Audience Member 2001

“ Thank you! It was just what I needed.”
- Meredith Wright
Audience Member 2001
"It is the brave performer who tries to make history live again on the stage. But Ms. Jowers and her just that."
- Jennifer Dunning
New York Times 2004
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